
Class#2 What is culture?


Afghanistan and Pakistan: Can terrorism be eradicated?

President Obama has a problem that how to deal with the terrorist threat from Afghanistan and Pakistan.He said that he will send more forces to Afghanistan and indicated that he will not hesitate to use them. The reputation of the present government of Pakistan is low, corruption is rife and democratic institutions at best fragile. Japan may not be able to do directly to help to find a solution, but the Japanese government should announce its renewed support for American efforts to bring peace to Afghanistan and should be willing to increase its assistance to both Afghanistan and Pakistan. It will be very difficult for the new U.S. president to find solutions to the problems that the world faces in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but we must hope that new thinking and new personalities on the American side may enable progress.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Good article, but you have to summarize it in your own words. Cutting and pasting someone elses work is wrong and not acceptable. You must be very upset with the death of Michael Jackson. He was a good singer.
